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Live a Fasting-Focused Lifestyle for Optimal Health

fasting-focused lifestyle

Although I’ve recently been talking about the types of food you should stay away from, namely sugar, grains, and foods high in Omega 6 fatty acids, I want to emphasize that eating frequency trumps everything else when it comes to your diet. Adopting a fasting-focused lifestyle, and practicing it for the rest of your life, is the most important thing you can do for your overall health, possibly besides getting enough sleep.

During an intense weight loss phase, where you need to lose a lot of weight and are not just maintaining your current weight and body fat percentage, exercise and eating super low-carb will definitely help you achieve your goals a little quicker. But the most important thing of all is fasting and having the mindset that for the rest of your life you will live a fasting-focused lifestyle. Your eating frequency should be optimized before you even worry about the food you’re eating when you are having your meal or two per day.

Intermittent Dry Fasting

I believe that intermittent dry fasting is the most powerful and practical way of fasting for the average person. You will see the best results in a short amount of time, and you will hopefully be able to continue with this way of eating for the rest of your life. It will not only help you with your weight loss goals, but it will also greatly improve your digestive system, clear up skin issues, drastically lower inflammation, reset your immune system and make it almost impossible for you to get sick, and have you feeling much better each day, with more energy and mental clarity than you’ve ever had before.

Extended fasts with Snake Juice (water with salt and potassium) are great if you need to lose a ton of weight. Even intermittent fasting with Snake Juice or just plain water is fine every once in a while too. And I believe that almost everyone would benefit from OMAD (One Meal A Day), even though I currently do an intermittent fast of 18 hours with two meals in a 6-hour eating window, one small meal, and one large meal. But only employ that strategy if you’re already very lean and active. However, with all this said, intermittent dry fasting is the most powerful and effective fasting method that I have found. Sure, you can eventually experiment with longer dry fasts of 48-72 hours, as Cole Robinson of the Snake Diet would recommend, but I would save those for when your body has become used to fasting, and for when you actually need to heal some particular problem or lose a decent amount of weight in a short time period. An intermittent dry fast routine is the more practical strategy for everyone that wants to live a fasting-focused lifestyle for the rest of their life, as I strongly recommend.

Adjust Your Eating Frequency

Once your body becomes adapted to water fasting, and then some shorter dry fasting, and you get down to a healthy weight with a low body fat percentage, you can do the maintenance routine that I follow. An 18-hour intermittent dry fast every other day, with a 6-hour eating window, usually between about 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., along with daily full-body workouts. These workouts should include a little cardio, weight training, and more calisthenics than anything, and last anywhere from 35-50 minutes. On the alternate days when you’re not doing an intermittent dry fast, you can fast with water only, or Snake Juice during those 18 hours. This is the absolute best way to live for optimal health and reduced inflammation. Once you do it for a while, you’ll grow to love it and never want to stop, because you’ll see the health benefits that it provides.

What You Eat Matters, But Not as Much as a Fasting-Focused Lifestyle

I would never encourage people to eat unhealthy things, and veer too far away from a core diet of meat, fruit, and non-nightshade vegetables, but I will say that an intermittent fasting routine like I described above will cancel out and negate most if not all of your bad eating habits, because you’re giving your body such a great opportunity to heal during that fasting time period. Proper eating frequency can wipe out so many ills. The problem is that most of North America is stuck in a routine of not only eating garbage but eating it all day every day, with very broad eating windows. Again, not that I recommend this, but if you just took the same exact crap diet and condensed it into 6 hours or less (preferably one hour doing OMAD), you would see your inflammation markers go down, your pain go away, your digestive system and immune system improve, and pounds of fat melt away. Intermittent fasting is truly that powerful.

So begin an intermittent fasting routine today, with my help if you so choose. You can always Contact Me with questions or for motivation while you live out your fasting-focused lifestyle. Start with drinking water (or water and salt + potassium), and then progress into intermittent dry fasts. I promise you will see fantastic results within a month, and you will never want to go back to your old way of eating again. You will be hungry for your meals and appreciate food more, you will save money and time, and you will experience all the unbelievable health benefits that you receive when you give your body a chance to heal, the way nature intended.

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